Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Solar hot water systems create energy efficient homes

Solar hot water systems create energy efficient homes
Most homes in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania spend approximately 12 to 18 percent of their energy use on hot water. Whether you use electricity, natural gas, propane, or oil, there is a more affordable and efficient way to provide for all your home’s hot water needs. Solar hot water systems use free energy from the sun to heat your water!

With a solar hot water system, your home will heat hot water using natural energy that comes from the sun. Depending on the size of your solar hot water heater system, you may not require the help of a backup conventional hot water heater. Relying 100 percent on your solar hot water heater can shave 12 to 18 percent off your total energy budget each year!

Reducing your hot water demand is another way to save energy whether you’ll be installing a solar hot water system or not. Look for ways you can use less hot water around the home to further reduce your energy use.
  • Take shorter showers
  • Choose efficient water-using appliances when replacing or upgrading
  • Lower the temperature on your conventional hot water heater
  • Insulate your hot water storage tanks

Solar hot water systems differ from the solar panel systems used to produce electricity for your home. A solar collector is placed on the roof or other prime location to collect the sun’s energy for use to heat water. Insulated storage takes hold the hot water produced by the system. This equipment has come a long way since the 1970s, when it first became popular for use in America’s homes.

Solar hot water systems offer decades of service. Lifetime expectancy for these systems is 20 to 30 years! As with all your home systems, routine maintenance is necessary, but it will benefit you in the long run by helping extend system life and keep your system operating effectively.

When you choose to have a solar hot water system installed at your home, make sure you are also choosing a quality contractor to do the work. Contact Smith Sustainable Design for quality solar hot water systems and expert installation.

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