Wednesday, October 16, 2013

All about solar thermal

All about solar thermal
Many business owners are aware that solar energy can be used to provide electricity for a variety of business needs, but did you know that you can also use solar energy to heat water for all types of applications? This use of solar energy is called solar thermal, and the sun’s energy is used to heat water or another type of fluid, not generate electricity.

The benefits of a solar thermal system are countless. They benefit businesses by:
  • Reducing utility bills- Solar thermal systems help homes and businesses cut the amount of electricity or other heating fuel necessary to heat water. They can save you up to 70 percent off your water heating expenses, and in some applications, may even be able to provide all the energy necessary for water heating.
  • Reducing carbon footprint- When solar thermal heating is used, fossil fuels are not. Solar thermal reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by your business’s operations. Solar thermal can make your business more environmentally friendly and show the public that you are doing your part to reduce your environmental impact.
  • Complying with sustainability mandates- Today’s business owners are faced with more requirements designed to promote the use of renewable technologies in the workplace. By installing solar thermal systems, a business can make way towards meeting these requirements while making smart equipment investments which are sure to generate a high return for your money.
Solar thermal systems are used in a number of commercial applications. Businesses today are using solar thermal systems in the following ways:
  • To provide for the workplace’s general hot water heating needs
  • To heat swimming pools and hot tubs
  • For radiant space heating
To see if solar thermal technology can benefit your business, contact Smith Sustainable Design for consultation. Our team of experts is experienced in designing and installing commercial solar thermal systems for a variety of business applications.

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