Thursday, January 22, 2015

Solar Thermal vs. Solar Electricity

Solar Thermal Solar Electricity
In general, we associate  solar energy with solar electric power but there is one another type of solar energy, that is solar thermal. Solar thermal and solar electricity are not the same although the source of both is the sun. Solar electricity is a method of electricity production directly from the sun, with the help of solar panels. You can use this electricity to power your home. Solar thermal, on the other hand, is a technique of generating heat from the sun. Let’s compare both these types of solar energy to get a better idea about their working and differences.

What they do
Solar photovoltaic system directly converts solar energy into an electrical current. Photovoltaic panels absorb sunlight and convert it into an electric charge. This electric charge can be used to power your home appliances.
Solar thermal energy makes use of the sunlight to produce heat. Heat acquired by the solar thermal energy process can be used for water heating and radiant space heating.
Solar thermal or solar heat technology is highly efficient as compared to the solar electric power. Storage of heat is much easier and cost-effective than the storage of electricity produced by PV panels. Solar hot water system is more than eighty percent efficient where solar panels are only fourteen to twenty percent efficient. It makes the solar hot water system most efficient and advanced technology of solar energy.
Collection panels are the basic equipment used in both solar electric system and solar thermal system. Collection panels gather energy from the sun and convert it into electricity or heat. Basic unit of solar electric system is photovoltaic cells, an array of PV cells make photovoltaic panels used to produce electricity.  Solar heat panels are linked with plumbing, and photovoltaic panels are connected with wiring - which is another difference between the two systems.
Solar thermal equipment can not only produce electricity for your home, but it also solves your hot water and other heating problems. Solar hot water system allows you to have highly efficient source of heat and hot water for your shower, laundry and dishwashing. In order to plan and install solar thermal technology for your home, contact Smith Sustainable Design based in Pennsylvania; PA and New Jersey; NJ. 

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