Saturday, December 14, 2013

Solar hot water heaters create efficient homes

Solar hot water heaters create efficient homes
The average household in the United States spends about 11 percent of its energy budget on hot water heating. Investigating energy efficient water heating options can help homeowners decrease their energy spending by making better use of the energy they consume. Solar hot water heaters are a valuable option which can help homeowners decrease or even eliminate their hot water energy expenses.

Solar hot water heaters also benefit the environment. By not burning fossil fuels, they reduce the amount of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions produced by one’s home. Making the move towards energy efficiency by installing a solar hot water heater system not only saves you money, but will help save the planet.

A household can use solar hot water heater systems for all their hot water needs. Heat water for showers as well as other household needs. The dishwasher, kitchen sink, and washing machine all use hot water, which can be produced by the home’s solar hot water heater system instead of a conventional hot water heater system.

Homeowners can further improve the efficiency of these systems in a number of ways. Reducing the home’s hot water demand is one way to use less energy. Energy saved in one way can then be used to power other necessities around the home.

When installing a solar hot water system, take a few steps to help conserve the hot water that will be produced. Installing low-flow fixtures throughout the home can cut a household’s hot water use. Also, setting the hot water thermostat to 120 degrees can reduce the amount of energy needed to heat water while still keeping water at a comfortable temperature. Insulating the hot water storage tank can prevent heat loss and save more of the energy produced by the solar hot water heater system.

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