Friday, August 16, 2013

Solar hot water systems versus electric hot water systems

Solar hot water systems versus electric hot water systems
When it is time to install a new hot water heater, many homeowners start doing their research and comparing different systems. One system you may be overlooking in your search is a solar hot water system. This can be a costly mistake, as solar hot water systems have many advantages over their traditional electric competitors. Not convinced? See for yourself:

Electric hot water systems are a major consumer of energy within a household. Many times, these systems aren’t tied into an off peak power program like heating and cooling may be, so you’re likely paying full price for power whenever you need hot water. With solar hot water systems, most if not all of your hot water is produced using solar energy, so your household electricity bills are much lower.

Think you can only use a solar hot water system on a sunny day? Think again. Evacuated tube systems are very effective and work well even when the weather isn’t cooperating. Your solar hot water system can be used when it’s cloudy, raining, or snowing! Yes, an electric system won’t normally be affected by inclement weather (unless of course there is a power outage), but with these systems, you’re still using utility power anytime you need hot water.

Still worried about the weather affecting your hot water supply? There is really no need because solar hot water systems do have electric backup systems which will produce hot water for your home during periods where solar energy collection is minimal. These backup systems aren’t utilized very often, so utility energy use is still minimized with a solar hot water system.

If you’re not sure about whether you should ditch electric and switch to a solar hot water system, feel free to give us a call. Smith Sustainable Design can help you compare the benefits and discover the savings that solar hot water can offer your household.

1 comment:

  1. Hot water systems eliminate the cost of installing reticulated hot water as well as cold. Wall-mounted unit is easy to install and access, uses no floor space. No time is wasted waiting for water to flow at the selected temperature. | | Zip Hot Water | Zip hot water systems Australia | Zip hot water systems

