Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The benefits of solar thermal

The benefits of solar thermal
When it’s time to replace or upgrade your current water heater, consider all your options. Too many people overlook solar thermal systems as a choice for their new hot water heater. Before you buy a new water heater, learn the benefits solar thermal brings to your home or business.

It’s cost-efficient affordable

Solar thermal is the most cost-efficient form of renewable energy for home and business use. The energy output generated by a solar thermal system is greater than a standard water heater, and can meet your hot water demands using less energy. There are federal tax credits and local incentives available when you install a new solar thermal system, which will help you recoup your installation expenses faster.

It works anywhere

Do you worry that a solar thermal system won’t be good for your home or business because our climate is sometimes cloudy and rainy, and we get our fair share of snow most winters? Don’t worry about the weather affecting your solar thermal system, they operate effectively in our region, and all over the United States.

It’s easy to maintain

Solar thermal systems require little on your part, allowing you to enjoy your hot water without extra work. Throughout their lifetime, solar thermal systems need hardly any maintenance or service. Solar thermal equipment is long-lasting and durable, even the solar collectors can stand up to harsh weather conditions. Installation also goes quickly- typically, only a few days’ work is needed for us to install your system completely.

It helps you save

A solar thermal system will help you save big on your energy bills annually. By producing most if not all energy needed meet your hot water demands, all the hot water you want will cost you very little. With energy from your utility company, your expenses increase every time they raise their rates. With solar thermal, you can reduce your home or business’s dependence on utility power.

Are you wondering if a solar thermal system is right for you? Call the experts at Smith Sustainable Design to learn more benefits and discover how solar thermal is the right choice for your water heater replacement or upgrade.

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