Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Types of solar thermal systems

solar thermal systems
Energy from the sun can be utilized to meet your hot water needs with the help of highly energy efficient solar hot water systems. There are different types of solar hot water systems designed for different applications. Let’s discuss the types and working of the variety of solar hot water systems.
Passive Solar Water Heaters
Passive solar water heaters are the most simple and affordable design of solar hot water systems. Their efficiency is not comparable to active solar hot water systems, but they are inexpensive, reliable and long-lasting. This system also requires considerably less maintenance as compared to the other available designs. The passive system does not need moving parts to circulate water which makes it less expensive and maintenance free. There are two types of passive solar water heaters.
1.       Batch systems
2.       Thermosyphon systems
A batch system or integral collector storage system is suitable in conditions where temperature does not fall below freezing point. This system can meet your hot water needs in a day time and also during the evening peak hours. The storage capacity of a batch system is about 20 to 40 gallons of hot water per day.
In thermosyphon systems, an insulated water storage tank is used in combination with flat plate solar collectors. This type of solar hot water systems is also appropriate in climate where temperature rarely drops below freezing. Thermosyphon systems meet your hot water needs providing 30 to 80 gallons of hot water every day.
Active Solar Water Heaters
A pump is used in active solar hot water heaters to circulate the hot water within the system. This addition of pumps makes it more expensive than passive solar water heaters. This system also protects the collectors and tank from freezing. Active water heater systems also have two types.
1.       Open loop systems
2.       Closed loop systems
Open loop systems or direct circulation systems are appropriate in the warm climate, where temperate often remains above freezing. In this system, you can receive 40 to 80 gallons each day for your household hot water needs.
Closed loop systems or indirect circulation systems are suitable in freezing temperatures. The hot water capacity for this systems is also large. You can get 40 to 120 gallons of water every day to meet your hot water requirements.
All the types of solar hot water heaters are reliable and productive. Smith Sustainable Design takes great care of all factors required to be considered in planting solar hot water heaters. We guide you to decide suitable type of system design which serves you the best. We design energy efficient solar hot water system to make you comfortable about hot water needs throughout the year.

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