Thursday, January 31, 2013

Maintenance for your solar hot water heater system

Maintenance for your solar hot water heater system
To keep your solar hot water heater system operating efficiently, proper maintenance is an essential element of ownership. Maintenance allows your system to continue operating properly, as well as improves the efficiency of the system. Here are some maintenance tips which can help you get the most out of your home’s solar hot water heater system.

Occasionally, your solar heat panels will need cleaning. Cleaning the surface of the collector panels will allow for efficient energy collection.

Check the glass covering of your solar heat panels for cracks. Check the seals for any imperfections. These issues can compromise the collectors within your panels, and may require repair or replacement.

Check the fasteners and mechanisms attaching the solar heat panels to your structure. Nuts and bolts should be tight, holding the equipment secure to your roof, or wherever your equipment is located.

Check the panel’s pressure relief valve. This safety feature is found on most types of solar heat panels used in solar hot water systems. To inspect, lift the valve to release fluid inside the panel. If fluid doesn’t flow out, this could mean the valve needs replaced. Remember to close the valve gently after inspection. Many manufacturers of solar heat panels and solar hot water heater systems recommend that your check this function often, about every six months.

Check your system’s pump during peak sunlight hours to see that it engages. If your pump is not working steadily, or isn’t coming on, elements within the pump may require repair. The solar water pump is a crucial element of the system, so inspect to see it is operating properly.

Your system occasionally needs flushing to get rid of any sediment that has settled in your tank. Two times each year, you should flush your storage tanks by attaching a hose to the tank’s drain valve. Run the hose outside to an area which can absorb the water, and open the valve for approximately fifteen seconds. This will allow any sediment at the bottom of the storage tank to run out.

For more advice about how you can keep your solar water heating system working properly for years to come, contact Smith Sustainable Design. We can assist with all residential solar hot water systems.

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