Friday, November 29, 2013

The advantages and disadvantages of solar hot water systems

The advantages and disadvantages of solar hot water systems

Solar hot water systems are becoming a popular method for homeowners to harness the sun’s energy for use inside their homes. They are environmentally friendly and offer a clean energy option for your home’s hot water needs. Every home system has its advantages and disadvantages, so below we’ll take a look at those for solar hot water systems.

Advantages of solar hot water systems include:
  • They generate free energy for use to heat water.
  • They allow you to use a renewable energy source: the Sun.
  • They are very cost effective in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
  • Many incentives are available for homeowners who wish to install solar hot water systems.
  • The payback period for the system is pretty low, at only about 5 years.
  • The systems have low maintenance needs and costs.
  • Lease options for solar hot water systems may be available to decrease installation costs.
Disadvantages of solar hot water systems include:
  • The cost of installation is more than a conventional water heater.
  • Some electricity or gas will be needed to fuel a backup system during winter months.
  • The payback period isn't definite, it varies based on conditions in your area and the system’s exposure to sunlight.
  • They offer a relatively low efficiency of the passive solar water heating systems available.
  • They will need protection to prevent freezing as well as overheating.
Get the big picture about solar hot water systems before you make your purchase. The professionals at Smith Sustainable Design can answer any questions you may have, as well as provide more details regarding the advantages and disadvantages of installing a new solar hot water heater system for your home.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ten myths about solar hot water heater systems

Ten myths about solar hot water heater systems

Don’t be discouraged from using solar hot water systems because of misinformation floating around. Make sure you have the facts, not fiction. Below are ten solar hot water myths and the truth about them

1. They don’t work when it’s cloudy
Even when it’s cloudy, there is solar energy available, and enough to use a solar hot water heater system.

2. They aren’t cost effective
Solar hot water heater systems have the best payback period of solar energy options. They also have a very long lifespan when properly maintained.

3. The home will have less hot water
Your solar hot water heater system can be designed to meet the hot water needs of your home, and you won’t have to sacrifice the amount of hot water you can access just to go solar. Many solar thermal systems are installed to use with another hot water system, like a conventional tank or tankless hot water heater, so you’ll always have the hot water you need.

4. They only work in the daytime
Just because the sun doesn't shine at night doesn't mean your solar hot water heater system won’t work at night. The work they do during the day allows the equipment to maintain water temperatures for use at night.

5. They won’t work in the winter
The outdoor temperature has nothing to do with the system’s ability to collect solar energy; the sun still shines in wintertime.

6. They’re cost prohibitive
Solar hot water heater systems aren't as expensive as you may expect. They cost much less than a solar photovoltaic installation, plus installing one can qualify you to receive a 30 percent federal tax credit which can help you offset the cost of installing the system.

7. They don’t make much of a difference to the environment
Below heating and cooling, hot water heating is the second largest consumer of energy in most homes. Solar hot water heater systems allow you to reduce energy use and eliminate the carbon emissions which are created by burning fossil fuels for energy.

8. They’re ugly
Solar thermal panels can be flush-mounted to your roof and don’t look much different than a skylight. They don’t stick out like some may think, and are even considered a status symbol as energy efficiency is in the forefront of our nation’s news.

9. They take up too much space
With the right designer, your solar hot water heater system doesn't have to use a lot of space. They can be installed using just a little more space than a conventional system.

10. They take a long time to install
Depending on the type of system you choose and your installation team, it will only take a few working days to complete.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Understanding your solar thermal quote

Understanding your solar thermal quote
If you’re thinking about installing a solar thermal system to heat water for your home, one of your first steps will be to obtain a quote. A quote will be your best tool in determining the price of equipment and installation. There are some variables that go into determining your quote; below are some of the factors that determine the final price of installing the system.

Your home’s hot water needs

Your solar thermal system will need to be sized properly to meet your household’s hot water demands. The size of the storage tank you’ll need will play a role in pricing.
  • A 50 gallon tank and 1 collector is ideal for a 1 or 2 bedroom household
  • A 80 gallon tank and 2 collectors is ideal for a 3 to 4 bedroom household
  • A 120 gallon tank and 3 collectors is ideal for a 5 to 6 bedroom household
Depending on the weather conditions where you live, a solar thermal system may not be able to provide for all your hot water needs. In this case, you’ll need to have an electric or gas booster system to provide hot water during the periods where solar power isn’t sufficient. The cost of this booster hot water heater may be included in your quote if your existing systems need replacement or aren’t suitable.

The specifications of your home

Certain aspects of your home will determine how and where the solar thermal system can be installed, which can also affect price. Non-standard roofing materials or unstable areas of the roof may make your roof an unsuitable location for installing solar thermal panels. In this case, alternatives will be determined which can affect price. Also, if the design of your roof doesn't provide the ideal pitch or space, special mounting frames may need to be used, which will also be quoted.

Don’t rely on online estimates to price a solar thermal system, because many homes have special considerations, like those mentioned above, which will need to be evaluated when determining your quote. For a free quote, contact Smith Sustainable Design.

Friday, November 8, 2013

What to keep in mind when purchasing a solar hot water heater system

What to keep in mind when purchasing a solar hot water heater system
When purchasing a solar hot water system, it’s important to do your research and know the facts. There are a lot of factors which you must consider that will help you make the best investment for your home. Keep these factors in mind when investing in solar hot water.

1. Choosing cheap

Choosing the cheapest option isn’t always the wisest move. Cheap initially doesn’t always mean cheap in the long run, either. As with many other things, sometimes cheap is the opposite of quality. Choosing the cheapest option for installation can save you money in the beginning, but you may experience frequent repair needs, and the bills that go along with it. With extra expenses that add up well after installation, choosing a cheap solar hot water heater system can end up being much more expensive over time.

2. Consider your investment

Installing a solar hot water heater system is a significant investment for your household, and you’ll want to make the most of it. When evaluating equipment options, consider maintenance needs as well as the warranty you’ll receive. What is the expected life span of the equipment you’ve chosen? Is the warranty long enough to cover most of its operating life, or will you be left without protection after a few short years? That warranty can really make a difference, and protect you against expensive replacement component needs.

3. Protection                         

How will you protect your solar hot water heater system, and your investment? How does the system work to protect itself? Because of our cold winter months, homeowners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania should look for systems that are frost-protected and built for functioning even in low temperatures.

When choosing a new solar hot water heater system, you should consult a professional who can help you figure out what you need. Smith Sustainable Design’s team of solar thermal designers and installers are available to help you navigate the available options.
